
School Expectations & Rules

Expectations From Pupils

1. Our School Community expects that you will:
  •  Wear the school uniform correctly and with pride
  •  Take advantage of every opportunity to learn.
  •  Not take part in unacceptable behaviour such as swearing, abusive language, spitting, fighting, littering, damaging school property.
  •  Show respect for your physical well-being by refraining from smoking, taking alcohol and drugs.
  •  Show pride in your school and present a good image, especially by behaving yourself when in public, and particularly on your way to and from school.
  •  Speak positively of your school and your teachers.
  •  Co-operate with all staff members.
  •  Show school spirit by participating in school activities.
  •  Read or listen to messages and do as instructed.
  •  Move quickly and quietly from class to class, avoiding unnecessary disturbances.
  •  Be on time for all classes.
  •  Bring correct text books for all periods.
  •  Stay in your place during class.
  •  Be present in class for all lessons.
  •  Not leave the school without the written permission of parents and Principal.
  •  Make full use of the library. Maintain silence in the library at all times.
  •  Keep off verandahs, stairwells and out of classrooms before school and during recess.
  •  Be familiar with campus and traffic rules and follow them.
  •  Make the necessary arrangements to stay back after school hours to participate in academics, sports and co-curricular activities whenever required.
  •  Respect school property and report immediately any damage to school property.
  •  Not introduce objectionable books, magazines or periodicals to the school. Transistors, video games, mobile phones, pagers, cameras and other electronic gadgets are prohibited.
  •  Not meet any visitor in school, without the written permission of Parents and Principal.
  •  Not drive motorized vehicles inside the school compound at any time, nor drive cars, motorcycles, scooters and mopeds while coming to or returning from school.
  •  Keep your cycle locked in the cycle parking area only.
  •  Not use unfair means during tests and exams. Such improper conduct is unworthy of a student and can lead to severe penalties.
2. Your Teachers expect that you will :
  •  Show them respect and courtesy at all times.
  •  Accept their authority, and their right to give instructions, and to allocate suitable correction to those who break rules.
  •  Come to class on time and bring all necessary materials with you.
  •  Complete the set work carefully and on time.
  •  Listen attentively when teachers or other students are speaking. Indicate your desire to contribute by raising your hand.
  •  Avoid any distracting behavior during lessons.
  •  Stay in your place and do not pack up at the end of the lesson, unless directed to do so by your teacher.
  •  Cooperate with the class monitor in maintaining proper order and discipline during a change of periods and when the teacher happens to be absent or late.
  •  Put up your hand to ask or answer questions, do not call out in class.
3. The members of the school community, especially your fellow students expect that you will:
  •  Not interfere with their person by bullying or violence.
  •  Not detract from their good name by insults or spreading rumours.
  •   Not interfere with their chances to learn by disrupting the classroom environment.
  •  Not take and spoil materials belonging to others. Speak to them with courtesy and respect.
  •  Be responsible for your actions and accept the consequences of them.
Expectation From Parents / Guardians
1. The School Management expects that you will:
  •  Be familiar with the School's expectations of pupils and will back up those expectations with your children, particularly at the time of enrolment.
  •  Be available, if it is necessary, to discuss aspects of your child's behavior at school.
  •  Sign messages, progress reports or other similar documents when requested to do so, so as not to put your child to any inconvenience.
  •  Check the school diary daily, as it forms a link between the school authorities and the parents.
  •  Offer support to school activities and be present to support and motivate your child on Sports Day / Annual Day.
  •  Support the work of the school, particularly by enforcing regularity and discipline and by extending the fullest co-operation to participation in school activities.
  •  Inculcate respect for person, property and the environment, in your children.
  •  Ensure that your child is not absent on the first and last day of the School Term without prior permission and that any leave taken is duly sanctioned.
2. The teaching staff expect that you will:
  •  If you wish to discuss matter of concern to you or your child, feel free to contact an individual teacher during his / her free periods, by taking prior permission from the Principal.
    Not visit any teacher in the classroom, as this may disturb the class.
  •  Be open to listening and considering the teacher's opinions regarding your child, even when the comments may be less than complimentary.
  •  Be supportive of their actions in dealing with your child. Avoid undermining them in the eyes of your children by making generalized scathing comments about individual teachers, or of the teaching profession in general.
  •  Find ways of letting teachers of the school know when you are particularly pleased with your child's progress or activities.
  •  Advise about your child's absence, if known before-hand.