
School Admission and Withdrawal

  • The Principal reserves to herself, the right to refuse admission to any child, without furnishing any reasons.
  • The School will allot the section to the students. No request for change in sections will be entertained.
  • Parents must make their own transport arrangements, to ensure that their child comes and goes from School on time.
  • No pupil will be admitted to the school without a Transfer Certificate from the last school which he/she attended.
  • For withdrawal of a pupil from the school, at least one calendar month notice must be given in writing, otherwise, one calendar month fees, in lieu of notice, will be charged.
  • The Manager, acting through the Principal, reserves the right of resigning the charge of any pupil who is deemed unsatisfactory. In such a case, the Principal is not bound to give any reason.
  • The names of pupil who remain absent without leave for two school weeks, shall be struck off the rolls.